Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The term 'musician' is relative...

So, I decided to record a cover of this Tegan and Sara song (Call It Off) that I like... When the idea came into my head, I figured it wouldn't take me very long to accomplish this task. I was very wrong. After about 4 hours of playing around on Audacity, this is my shitty song.

Had I known I was going to make such a tremendous project out of this, I would have made the raw recording better... recorded vox and guitar separate... perhaps not fucked up on a few chords... and kept a steady tempo throughout the song but hey, this is my first foray into the actual recording spectrum of music... So far, my only real musical involvement has been sleeping with musicians (I'm a sucker for any guy on stage holding an instrument), so this is something new for me... and slightly more respectable.

Too bad girls with guitars don't get half as much action as their male counterparts... Grrr.

Enjoy... Let me know how much I suck. :-)

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